29 January 2010

Joseph and his "Toe Walking"

Toe Walking is the root of all evil! It has invaded my sons life and is fighting us tooth and nail to leave!

Joseph was 2 yrs old when we noticed his toe walking was getting pretty bad. I talked to the dr and they said by 3 most kids will have out grown it. So we wait until he is 3 and we are actually spending his 3rd birthday in IL visiting my dad and step mom before Tobe deployed to Iraq. My step mom is an OT and she noticed how much worse Joe's toe walking has gotten. He literally is always on his toes. She did some leg movements with him and noticed his muscles in his calves were contracting from not being stretched properly because of the way he walks. Well this can be debilitating and should be corrected before it gets worse or even permanent.

So as soon as we got back to GA we scheduled an appointment for his Dr. and they referred us to an Orthopedic Dr, which took forever to get. We went and seen the Orthopedic Dr. (Feb 2008) and he suggested we try casting him so that he can't toe walk and then by time we take them off he can walk without toe walking. So I agreed and they casted him that day.
He wore casts for 4 months, changing them periodically. He loved picking out new colors every time!
Tobe came home on R&R and made Joe's last set of Casts super cool by drawing spider man and spider webs on them. Joe was so thrilled.
He couldn't wear shoes with them and hey were super slick so we bought slippers with the grippers on the bottom and he wore those for 4 months. You couldnt see his casts with his pants and the slippers on so it just looked like I let my kid wear slippers around town. Yeah.. I got a bunch of nasty glares. And when he wore shorts and they could see his casts... Photobucket
Then I got the I must be abusive or let someone abuse my kid look. Cause we all know if a person breaks both their legs they walk on them..right?

After the casting was done (June 2008) they made him some braces that came from a molding of his foot/leg. He got to pick out a design for them and he picked out a sweet patriotic design. He then had to wear those around 24/7. He looked kinda like forest gump, but so much cuter. He had to wear shoes that were 2 times bigger and triple wide to fit over the bolts on his braces. That made him look even more goofier. At least he's cute and everyone raved about his braces. He was proud to wear them. :)


His braces became to small and we are now in AK and I went to the Dr and asked for a new Orthopedic referall. He is STILL toe walking, he now had flat foot from the casts which causes him to walk with his feet inwards and his ankle is positioned towards the side of his foot rather than the middle. I saw the Orthopedic Dr yesterday (28Jan10) and he said that he sees so little of this that he really works hand in hand with the Podiatrist. He talked to the Podiatrist about Joe before our appt and they agreed that Joe would go see them. He is going in to see the Podiatrist next week. They don;t recommend surgery until 7-8 yrs old until they know he wont out grow it. They did xrays on his feet so we can take a plan of action on his flat feet. He will probably need inserts in his shoe to help his arch which they said is flexible and should be easy to correct. (Not that they can move his ankle back to the correct position or anything, but whatever!) They will also look at his walking and evaluate whether they think he should need to wear braces (AFO's) again. (Which I am going to fight for because I don't just want to sit and wait for the next 4 years and not try to get him to stop walking incorrectly.) They are also going to put in a referral for us to go to a couple Physical Therapy appts and learn some stretching exercises we can do at home for his legs to loosen up his muscles and keep them from contracting. So I guess I will update after his Podiatry apt next week and see what they have to say!!!

3Feb10- Joe had his Podiatry appointment today! They think his tendons are too short in his ankle and thats why he toe walks, thats why his ankle doesn't line up straight with his foot. They are going to give him new AFO's (braces) with some arch support to correct his flat feet. They want to re evaluate him in 3-4 months and then possibly poke some holes in his tendons. That will allow them to stretch out to their appropriate length and in time those holes will close on their own! SO that's where we are at right now!

18Feb10- We went to Joseph's Physical Therapy appointment today. It was informative, yet confusing as her diagnosis was very off from what we've been told. She confirmed he is flat footed, nooo surprise. He has a SEVERELY pronated foot! (read this if you do not know what that is! http://www.uihealthcare.com/topics/footcare/foot3353.html) She stretched out his legs and thinks he is not contracted at all. There is a little tightness in his upper calf that she said is a normal tightness for someone who hasn't stretched out. She says in fact he has an excessive flexibility in all his muscles and joints. Since he has such flexibility he really has no muscle control and so thats why his legs and feet just flop wherever they want to when he isn't actively trying to control where he goes! Joe has a BAD habit of "W-sitting" (go here.. http://www.learninglinks.org.au/pdf/infosheets/LLIS%2025_W-Sit.pdf) and she is worried about his hips and alignment. So now we have to work on getting him to sit criss cross or straight legged and not like a "W"! She thinks we should wait to do anything drastic until all he has done the majority of his bone growth. She thinks the stretching of the tendons is wrong because she feels there is no tightness and that isn't even why he is to walking, she thinks he needs to slowly develop tighter muscles and him primarily do it on his own as of now as not to affect his growth. She says the flexibility condition he has is called Hyperflexibility. This is excessive flexibility, either of one or a number of joints, resulting in joint laxity and an increased risk of dislocations, hyperflexibility of the lower limbs can lead to bow-legs or knock knees. She wants to see him twice next week!


See his ankles? Thats from the pronated foot and causing his flat feet!


His feet always lay like this!


One of his feet are always turned in!


This is how he always stands and walks!

23Feb10- I talked to his therapist during PT today and she thinks he would benefit from pediatric Physical Therapist or Occupational Therapist who specializes in what my step mom does which is sensory integration based therapy. He has the Hypotonia which is low muscle tone and that needs to be addressed in order for him to completely overcome this. She says she knows how to somewhat treat him because she is a physical therapist and her own son had this problem, but she feels he would get the best benefit from someone in pediatrics. So she is calling the podiatrist who referred him there and is going to talk to him. She is going to search for a local pediatric PT or OT that accepts tricare and is going to ask him to put in a referral for him. In the mean time she will do the research for how to best treat him for the time being. If for some reason a pediatric PT or OT is unattainable to us then she will ask them for suggestions and tips on how to properly treat him and then she will continue with his care. For now he has to practice kicking a ball with the inside of his feet and not the outside. This is really hard for him as his feet are always pointed inward and he uses the outside of his feet for everything. He also has to walk on his heels and strengthen his calves. He also has to get in the push up position and put his weight of his body onto his legs to try and strengthen them. He is suppose to do these exercises twice a day! Im going to make it a game and fun for him so he will hopefully enjoy it and it wont become something he dislikes doing and he will want to try and do it with all he's got! Next apt is in 2 days!

25 January 2010

My little Sister Is Getting Married

Well... I will no longer be the only married sibling! :) My little sister Sarah is getting married. Her fiance', Chris, proposed to her on Christmas. Of course, she said Yes.

I remember when she was born and I was 8 yrs old, almost 9! I spent 9 yrs being the only child and then here comes this little baby girl that I have to share my mom with. Lets just say that I wasn't thrilled. As she went from a boring newborn to smiling and cooing she started melting my heart. I loved feeding her baby food and when she became mobile I would take her outside to play. I remember my childhood best friend and I would take her and our soon to follow her baby sister Samantha to the park and play house with them, taking turns who had which baby! At this point having a sister, well 2, wasn't so bad. They were cute and lots of fun to play with. Right around her 2nd birthday my mom had taken my sisters and went on vacation in California to visit family. My dad had work and I had school so we got left behind! ;) When my mom called us she put Sarah on the phone and I heard my baby sister say for the first time "I Love You"! That meant the world to me. After those first few years I then entered HS and my time became busy with school, after school activities and friends. My friends and I still took my sisters (and now brother too) to the the store, mall or wherever we wanted to go. I graduated and left the house when they were young. Sarah was 9 when I moved out. I moved to California to go to college and start my life and they got stationed off in Italy. I didn't get to see my sister grow up from that point on. I saw her when she came to California for my wedding and the birth of Isabelle. I came to Alaska to visit after we had Joseph. I also stayed for 2 1/2 months to have Anthony up in Alaska when Tobe deployed. By then she was the teenager with the busy life and I didn't get to see her much. We moved up here to AK this past May and we see her every now and then but now she is a busy working woman. I just can't believe how fast she has grown from that dreadful newborn baby to this amazing beautiful woman who im blessed to have in my life. She is now going to feel the joys I feel in having a wonderful man in your life, one who is your best friend, partner and makes your world complete. I wish nothing but happiness for my sister and Chris and hope they have a lifetime of joy to bring to one another.

On a side note.. Yesterday my mother and I went Wedding dress shopping with her and boy did she look beautiful. I can't wait to see her walk down the isle in that dress and for her husband to see her in that dress on their special day!

23 January 2010

100 Random things about Tobe

So if you think its hard to think of 100 things about yourself, then try thinking of 100 things about your significant other, lol

* Alright... I'm having difficult coming up with the others so I'll slowly add to this list as I come up with them! :)

  1. He is the youngest of 5 kids
  2. He has NO middle name, same as his siblings
  3. He is an animal lover
  4. Kids love him and he loves kids! (Could be why he has 4 of them)
  5. He once told me that a squirrel is his favorite animal
  6. Although he prefers other genre's, the country song "Center of my world" is his favorite song. He says it reminds him of us :)
  7. His favorite colors use to be blue when he was a kid but now it is black!
  8. He is a soldier in the U.S. Army
  9. He served in OIF V for 14 months
  10. He snores
  11. He is a very aggressive driver
  12. He usually wears Aspen cologne
  13. He is Italian, not 100% but close :)
  14. His great grandfather, Joe (Guiseppe) Amico, was involved in the killing of his crime boss Chester Lemare
  15. He lived in a few places growing up, but mainly in Dunsmuir and Redding, Ca
  16. He is/was (not sure what the correct term in since her passing) a huge momma's boy!
  17. He makes me and the kids breakfast every weekend
  18. He is addicted to those Rockstar energy drinks
  19. He use to smoke cigarettes and quite 1 month before our first child was born
  20. He once stole some corn from a farmer and came home with a bag full of ears of corn saying "baby look what I brought home for us".......It was feed corn, lmao
  21. He HATES to lose at games
  22. He was originally a 49ers fan growing up but then converted to being a Bears fan because the love of his life is a Bears fan :)
  23. He loves white chocolate mocha(s)
  24. He once had his picture printed in the paper for some science experiment in school. If you google search his name you will find a link to that :)
  25. He has a Nor Cal tattoo on his lower forearm
  26. His favorite Beer...Corona
  27. His favorite mixed drink.. Rum N Coke
  28. His first vehicle was an 85 Nissan Pickup
  29. He is a boob man! I think this evil got created because he says I was his first girlfriend that actually had boobs!
  30. He loves stereos! I loves to install them. He loves to listen to them.
  31. His motto is "The bigger the better"! Especially when it comes to our living room tv! :/
  32. He loves to cook and he is really good at it. He especially loves to cook tri tip, steaks and sea food! YUM
  33. He use to have a huge sunflower seed addiction!
  34. He HATES doing the dishes but he will if I ask him to
  35. He is really good at drawing and pretty much most crafty/artsy things
  36. He took 3 yrs of auto mechanics and so he is pretty much good at fixing most things wrong with our vehicles :)
  37. He has lots of freckles. You can usually only see them when he is tan but he hates them and I think they're adorable!
  38. He is an excellent father. He loves to cuddle with them. He gets on the floor and rough houses with them. He helps feed, bathe and dress them. He changes diapers without hesitation. He also gets up with them if they wake up in the middle of the night and wakes up with them on the weekends. He is great with them and loves them so much!
  39. He likes to watch the typical guy channels... Speed, Discovery, Military, History, etc
  40. He loves fishing! (He's pretty good at it too)
  41. He loves nature. He likes looking out our living room window at our beautiful view with his telescope!
  42. He likes to take pictures
  43. He holds a grudge like no other. You do him wrong, chances are he probably wont forgive you and if by chance he does he will never forget! (He's a good person, loyal to his friends and so I don't blame him)
  44. He will sit and watch a good drama, horror and shoot even a chick flick..but he really likes action packed movies!
  45. He is a huge procrastinator
  46. He likes to sleep without a pillow
  47. He always presses snooze 1-2 times before he actually gets up
  48. He loves coffee
  49. His favorite ice cream is this chocolate cherry blend kind
  50. He likes the Chicago Cubs and btw, I'm half way through and man this is soooo tough! A lot of stuff I know about him I shouldn't post publicly, lol, so my list is getting rather hard!!
  51. His nails grow incredibly fast. He is always having to clip them!

FYI about being a parent....

I don't think people without kids fully understand people with kids. I'm going to lay down a few things so that maybe us people with kids don't get annoyed so much!

#1 When you have kids they become your life. They are the most important thing in life to you. You eat, breath, sleep with your kids by your side or are at least thinking of them. Even when we have date night we end up talking about our kids..they are our top priority, they are of utmost importance to us and if it wasn't like this then we should never have had children in the first place!

#2 Every thing they do (well almost everything) is absolutely adorable to us. Every accomplishment, everything they learn, everything they try to learn is special to parents. Watching them grow from babies to children to teenagers to adults is amazing. So when you see parents who want to capture all those special moments with taking pictures or video recording you have to understand.. one day their children will be grown and gone and all they have left of those precious years are memories brought on by those pictures and videos. You like to share your hobbies and interests with us... Yeah, I like your art collection or your rebuilt classic car or whatever it is that interests you (insert eye roll).. so you can also pretend your interested in our kids because thats what interests us!

#3 When hanging out with people with kids there are things you have to understand. We don't mind packing up our kids, packing up a diaper bag (w/some toys, snacks, diapers, etc) and heading on over to hang out at your house. We DO mind when we ALWAYS have to go to your house and you never take the initiative to hang out at ours. Yeah your house is beautiful and great for entertaining, however your house isn't child proof, you have no toys and we end up spending the entire time saying "Dont touch that", "No", "Come on over here", "I Know your bored", "No theres no toys" .....and the list goes on and it just really isn't that fun anymore! It's a lot easier for you and your spouse to hop in your vehicle and head on over! No packing, no planning, no hassle. My kids have their rooms, toys, movies, snacks and will usually play or occupy themselves so we can enjoy our adult time with our friends. Shoot, they're even in bed by 8pm so you don't even notice they're there!

*Side note for those with 1 kid.... You know what it's like to pack up and travel with 1 kid, now times that by multiple children! Gives your friends with multiple kids a break and offer to go to their house for play dates more often!

#4 Eating out with kids! Most of the time eating out is hassle free. As parents.. we know to order their food right away and bring toys and coloring and snacks and how to create a peaceful environment so everyone can enjoy their meals. HOWEVER, sometimes a kid just gets cranky. In these situations, we get frazzled as well with our kids and it's just not feasible for us to stay there. Our kids are miserable, we are miserable, the people trying to eat a nice quiet dinner are miserable and the best option is to get our food to go and leave. Don't take it personal! It doesn't happen often, but it could happen and you need to be aware!

*Side note for parents... Just because you have kids doesn't mean you can allow them to cause a ruckus in a restaurant. Do NOT let them poor salt on the table or destroy your table or booth. If they make a mess it is your responsibility as a decent human being to pick up after your child. Sure servers and bus boys get tips but its for their service in a regular setting, not a war zone your child left with food and your too lazy to pick up after them. If you pick up here or there after them as they make the mess it wont get out of control and if by some reason it does.. you can get your butt on the floor with a napkin and pick it up or ask them to use their little swiffer.

#5 Stay at home moms! I just LOVE when people assume that us stay at home moms have all the time in the world when were home. Sure a mom who has maybe a 3 yr old kid has more time then say.. a mom with an infant, a toddler and a pre schooler home all day and then your 6yr old after school. BUT when your kids are home all day the house gets messier than if your gone all day. I have to make 3 meals a day, do dishes twice a day, 2 load of laundry a day, I pick up the toys that migrate into the living room twice a day, then you have cleaning the kitchen, dining room, high chair. Changing diapers for 2 all day. Changing clothes when things leak, get spilled or sticky! Then vacuuming because you have a dog and a baby who lays on your floor! Lets also add in at 430 in the morning you wake up to make your husband lunch and coffee. You get your child(ren) ready for school. At night you have to help with homework, bathe your kids, read to them and get them ready for bed. Then you have to make sure your husband has his clean PT uniform, thermals and ACU's ready for the next morning. The only thing you get to do for yourself is a little bit of what interests you at nap time after you do the dishes and move up the laundry and after they go to bed while your catching up on your TV shows that you DVR! Don't get me wrong...there are days I skip the laundry or wait til my husband gets home so he can vaccumm but for the most part we are pretty busy women with jobs that don't pay you in cash but pay you in love, hugs and sloppy sticky kisses. It's not a job for everyone but I love my job and wish that people would recognize our hard work a little bit more often!


If you need to see it bigger just click on it!

There's more which I will add to later on, but I got stuff to do...

21 January 2010

My baby boy has went and grown up on me!

Yesterday, my son Joseph started pre school. He loved it so much he wanted to stay the night there. It feels like yesterday he was a baby. He is my little momma's boy and I feel like I'm losing him already. He at least gave me bunches of goodbye kisses. He already made a little friend and his teacher loves him! When he came home he had a little mask that his new buddy made for him and he made a picture of a giant for daddy. I sure hope his love for school and learning will continue on with him throughout all of his school years and all the way to college!

Here's some pictures of him all dressed up for school and heading up the stairs to his classroom for the first time!


* Edit- 26Jan10 Joe rode the bus to school today for the first time. He was so excited. I'm a bit excited for him and a bit sad that he is another step towards growing up! Here are some pics of him and his 1st bus ride to school!


19 January 2010

Friendship is golden!

Make new friends, but keep the old
one is silver and the other is gold!

This is a song I learned in girlscouts when I was a kid and it is so true. My friends are silver and gold. The fact that I moved a lot in my life means I have many friends from my past and always seem to make new ones.

Speaking of friends.... Our dear friend Ann worked with us in Sacramento back in 2002-2003. Well many years later and a few moves on both parts we both ended up back in Alaska. She is from Fairbanks and moved back up there and got engaged to a good friend, Jered, who she went to HS with. I, myself, moved back up here when my husband asked to be stationed up here so I could live by my family which is down in the Anchorage area. Well, we moved here in April and went up to Fairbanks and saw Ann and Jered in May and then went back up there in August to witness their beautiful wedding. It was amazing since she was there to witness ours back in May 2003. So this passed weekend Jered came down for an award ceremony for work and they stopped by on Saturday, met Brooklyn and stayed the evening with us before flying back up to Fairbanks on Sunday morning. It was so nice seeing them. I made a delicious Carbonara dinner. We then had some drinks and played some games. Afterwords we chatted in the living room and before we knew it, it was 3am. Morning came too soon and off they went. I am looking forward to seeing them again real soon.

My point of this story is that no matter how long time passes between true friends, when you get together again it's like you were never apart at all. You still have that same comfort in chatting, laughing and reminiscing! Cherish your true friendships because they are GOLD!

15 January 2010

Random thoughts for the day

*Stolen from an email forward, but pretty funny!

1.I think part of a best friend's job should be to immediately clear your computer history if you die.

2.Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you're wrong.

3.I totally take back all those times I didn't want to take a nap when I was little.

4.There is great need for "a sarcasm font."

5.How the hell are you supposed to fold a fitted sheet? (I actually know how :) )

6.Was learning cursive really necessary?

7.Map Quest really needs start their directions on #5. I'm pretty sure I know how to get out of my neighborhood.

8.Obituaries would be a lot more interesting if they told you how the person died.

9.I can't remember the last time I wasn't at least "sorta tired."

10.Bad decisions make good stories.

11.You never know when it will strike, but there comes a moment at work when you know that you just aren't going to do anything productive for the rest of the day.

12.Can we all just agree to ignore whatever comes after Blue Ray? I don't want to have to restart my collection.......again.

13.I'm always slightly terrified when I exit out of Word and it asks me if I want to save any changes to my ten-page research paper that I swear I did not make any changes to.

14."Do not machine wash or tumble dry" means I will never wash this ------ever.

15.I hate when I just miss a call by the last ring (Hello? Hello? Darn it!), but when I immediately call back, it rings nine times and goes to voicemail. What'd you do after I didn't answer? Drop the phone and run away???

16.I hate leaving my house confident and looking good and then not seeing anyone of importance the entire day. What a waste.

17.I keep some people's phone numbers in my phone just so I know not to answer when they call.

18.My 5-year old grandson asked me in the car the other day "Papa, what would happen if you ran over a ninja?" How the heck do I know?

19.I think a freezer deserves a light,too.

20.I disagree with Kay Jewelers. I would bet on any given Friday or Saturday night more kisses begin with Miller Lite than Kay Jewelers

13 January 2010

Cap'n Joe

Create Your Own

Joe's Daddy Survey

This is a cute idea. Copy this note, ask your child the questions and
write them down exactly how they respond.

1. What is something dad always says to you?

mean stuff and good stuff

2. What makes dad happy?
funny faces

3. What makes dad sad?

mean stuff

4. How does your dad make you laugh?


5.What was your dad like as a child?

I dont know

6. How old is your dad?


7.How tall is your dad?

this many (as he holds his hand high)

8. What is his favorite thing to do?

go on the laptop

9. What does your dad do when you’re not around?

pick up Isabelle

10. If your dad becomes famous, what will it be for?


11. What is your dad really good at?

making beans

12. What is your dad not very good at?

making noodles

13. What does your dad do for his job?
an army guy

14. What is your dad’s favorite food?


15. What makes you proud of your dad?

funny faces

16. If your dad were a cartoon character, who would he be?

a bad guy

17. What do you and your dad do together?

watch tv

18. How are you and your dad the same?

our skin is the same

19. How are you and your dad different?

our foreheads are different, dad has a booboo and I dont. My ear is small, that ear is big

20. How do you know your dad loves you?

cause he does

21. Where is your dad’s favorite place to go?

the store

Joe's Mommy Survey

1. What is something mom always says to you?

2. What makes mom happy?

3. What makes mom sad?
when dad doesn't come home

4. How does your mom do to make you laugh?

5.What was your mom like as a child?
I dont know

6. How old is your mom?
I dont know whats your number

7.How tall is your mom?
this size (as he touches the top of my head)

8. What is her favorite thing to do?
do something on your laptop

9. What does your mom do when you’re not around?
pick up Isabelle

10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
I dont know

11. What is your mom really good at?
going to the store

12. What is your mom not very good at?
I dont know

13. What does your mom do for her job?
make lunch

14. What is your mom’s favorite food?

15. What makes you proud of your mom?
I dont know

16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?

17. What do you and your mom do together?

18. How are you and your mom the same?
were not the same

19. How are you and your mom different?
your tall and im not

20. How do you know your mom loves you?
cause I know..cause you do

21. Where is your mom’s favorite place to go?
the store

11 January 2010

Time is precious!

I guess since no one is here for me to talk to then writing out how I feel is second best. I feel like I'm a failure as a grandchild. My Grandma's were always there for me growing up and always let me know how much I was loved. I sent the occassional letter, cards and flowers. They would always tell me how sweet it is but they just wanted pictures of the kids. I sent out some over the years but not nearly as often as I should have. I always said I would and would promise but then life would escape me. I would get busy and forget all about sending some pictures until the next phone call and reminder. I would get upset because I wanted them to know that I had every intention of sending pictures of the family but I would just get busy with the kids, life in general. Now I sit here and think...How long does it take to print off a couple pics and send them off? How long does it take these days to log onto Walmart or snapfish and upload a few pictures and even have them send it off? My life isn't too busy to watch movies, to go online, to go shopping wo why is it too busy for family? Why did I give them such a poor excuse as to why I wasn't being a good grand daughter. I LOVE them soo much that I should and could have given them the time and thought to mail them some pictures of me and the kids.

About a week ago my step mother called me and told me that my Dad's mom, my grandma, was home and has hospice. She has parkinsons really bad. She can't feed herself. She can't walk. She has horrible dementia. She went to the hospital and her health has declined especially since she refuses to eat. Either refuses or can't..no one really knows all too well. My parents were given the option of tube feeding or hospice. With my grandma's wishes and what she would want in her quality of life they decided hospice is the best choice. No one knows how long she has left but a few weeks at most is most likely! My step dad was in the military so wemoved around a lot. She always called, wrote letters, sent card, sent gifts. She always let me know she was always thining of me!

A few hours ago my dad (step father who raised me and has been with my mom since I was a baby) told me that my other grandma (his mom) is in the hospital. She has pneumonia which is extremely bad since she has COPD and Asthma and every other breathing complication you could think of. The Dr's gave her a 20% chance of living. My dad thinks she probably wont make it until he even gets there. I just saw her this past summer and thought how great it was to see her after a few years. I remember seeing her on our summer vacations. She told me that when my parents finally got married when I was 4 I yelled "I'm a Koniarski now"! She loves that story sooo much she tells everyone! She always told me how special I was and showed me off to her friends and bragged about her special grand daughter. In her eyes I was her biological grand daughter!

I have these 2 amazing ladies as Grandma's in my life and I feel as though I have let them down. I would love to call them but they're unable to speak. I want them to know just how much I love them and need them in my life. I may have taken them for granted but I truly do love them with all of my heart and I do not want to lose them. I need them in my life and my life would feel incomplete without them in it!

*Updated 19Jan2010

Grandma Koniarski was intubated, her heart had stopped and had to be jump started, she was unconscious and recovery was less than 10%. Miraculously she woke up, started breathing on her own and is being released to a rehab center before she is able to go home. She has had a lot of damage to her heart and lungs so next time she might not be so lucky. We believe she is on the last of her nine lives.

It's heart breaking to say but my Grandma Johnson passed away early this morning around 130am. My Aunt and Dad and Step mom were visiting her all this passed weekend. I think it gave her some sort of closure to know they were there for her and it was ok to move on. She is to be buried next to my Grandfather sometime soon. RIP Grandma, I love you and will miss you! :(

10 January 2010

My little Brooklybee .. Her 1st Year in a nut shell

Well I think I'm going to try and update everyone monthly on our little Brooklyn! She is currently 4 months old. I guess I should update you all up until this point!

The day we brought her home....


Bringing her home was so exciting. We couldn't wait to start our family and our new routine with her in it. On our way home we stopped at the store and got my medicine, her bedding for her crib and some extra diapers. Right after we arrived at the house my parents came over with my siblings and our other 3 children. My mom brought dinner for us all and we sat and watched her first Chicago Bears game. I know its early but we have to start culturing her right from the beginning. :)

1st Month of life...


In the first month she has mastered her routine. She goes to bed about 9pm and she wakes up once in the middle of the night and then around 5am when Daddy wakes up.(He's really noisy) Then after she eats, she lays back down until 8 or 9am! She rolls over from her belly to her back. She prefers to sleep on her belly so we let her. When she wakes up she is on her back staring all around, lol! She has very strong neck muscles and has been able to hold her head up from pretty much the moment she was born! Now her weight issue... She weighed in at birth at 7lb 5oz and she was 6lb 11oz when we left the hospital. At her 72 hour appt she only weighed in at 6lb15oz so we had to go in weekly until she passed her birth weight. After 2 weeks she weighed in at 7lb 7oz. WooHoo :) That's petty much how her first month of life went besides all the lovin's she got from EVERYONE! She is now 1 month old :)

2nd Month of life...


She now laughs her little pretty face off. She grabs everything close to her hands. I bought her a cute little first Halloween outfit and her 1st Halloween costume. Her little stork bite (hemangioma) on her face is shaped like a heart. Everyone compliments on how cute it is and they all seem to notice its shaped like a heart. Who knows...maybe that will be her signature later in life ;) She is now 2 months old!

3rd Month...


Brooklyn tries to sit up. It is sooo stinkin cute. She is so ticklish and laughs hysterically when we tickle her. She babbles up a storm. She follows people from a distance. She is now 10lb even! She will lean to grab things with her hands. She celebrated her 1st Thanksgiving. We are so thankful to have her! She is now 3 mo old!!

4th Month...


We start her 4th month of life heading into the Christmas season. As this is her 1st Christmas I bought her tons of Christmasy clothes to dress her up in. I know she won't remember it, but I always will. She spent her 1st Christmas with Grandma and Grandpa and her Aunts and Uncle. This was the first time I spent Christmas with my Mom and Dad (Step) and my 3 siblings in 10 yrs. (Since I left after I graduated HS) This was a very joyous day and she made it even better. As we head into the New Year and New Decade, Brooklyn is now 4 months old. I can not believe how fast she is growing! :(

5th Month...


Where has the time gone! She just amazes me every day. I can't imagine loving her any more than I already do and every day I love her more and more. She rolls around all over the place. She is still drooling like crazy but no teeth yet. She has excellent fine motor skills and can grab things she wants easily. She holds her binky and puts it in and out of her mouth. She absolutely LOVES her excersaucer and sitting in it and playing. Her 4mo well baby apt was Jan 12th! She weighed in at a whopping (insert sarcasm) 12lb 11oz which is in the 25% for her age. Her height is 23 in. which is 10%. She is our little meatball as daddy calls her. She looks when you call her name. She coos up a storm and has even started growling. (Thanks to the boys, lol) She is just too stinkin cute for words!

6th Month (Half way to a Year)-


In this month Brooklyn has accomplished so many things. Towards the end of the month she started sitting up by herself and she ate baby cereal for the first time, which daddy fed her! She is starting to actually like playing with her toys. She celebrated her 1st Valentines Day and she got a beautiful rose from her Daddy. She also had her first sleepover at Grandma's! Overall, she is just a happy, healthy baby girl! I can't believe she is now Half way to 1yr old!

7th Month-

This has been a busy month for our little Brooklybee! Tobe had left for a month to go to NTC training so this was her first time away from daddy. It figures a few days after he leaves she learns how to actually sit. She can now sit for any amount of time without falling. She pushes herself onto her arms and so we see crawling in her near future. She also started saying "Dada","Mama", "Baba" and she babbles and laughs allllll the time! She is so ticklish. She also got her first tooth on the very last day before turning 7mo old. At the very end of the month she had her 6mo well baby check up. She weighed in at 17.5 lb and 24.4 in tall! She is eating a bit more baby food but she really doesn't like it all too well. Overall this has been a very busy month for our little girl and she is now 7mo old!!

I bought Brooklyn a tutu and took some cute pics of her in it...

Entering into her 8th Month of her precious life-

Daddy came home from NTC and he was surprised at how much she had grown in the month he had been gone. She says "Mama" all the time now. She had her 2 bottom teeth actually pop through. She mastered the skill of Crawling and does it like a pro. She now is mobile and goes all over the place. She even crawls after the kids into their bedrooms. She sat in the seat of a shopping cart for the first time. She loved it and loved seeing everyone. Everyone around us doted all over her too as we would stroll by. I must have an amazingly cute little girl! :) Right after Daddy got home we got to celebrate her first Easter. She looked like such a doll on Easter. I wish she wasn't growing so fast because now my princess is 8 months old!

She had a PHOTO SHOOT.. Here are a few favs!!!

In her 9th month of life-

Baby Brooklyn has gotten so big and heavy that we have decided to move her into a regular car seat. No more baby carrier. It kind of stinks because if she falls asleep in the carrier she can stay asleep but in her car seat we have to take her out. She is really heave to carry that way though and it is much easier to just take her out of her car seat and put her into a cart. The day she took her first ride in her car seat was also the day she got her ears pierced. She cried for all of 1 second. She more looked that the lady like "What the heck did you do that for" lol She looks so beautiful just like her sister! Brooklyn did not think crawling was good enough to see the world as she has now mastered the fine art of pulling herself up to standing. Nothing is safe now!!! lol She also went to her Aunt Samantha's High School graduation. She is so proud of her Aunt Samantha. ;) I can not believe she is now 9 months old! :(

The 10th Month-

The day she turned 9mo old and then started into her 10th month of her life Mommy and Daddy went away for their 4 day anniversary weekend in Seward. I have never left her before. By the drive home I was so anxious to see her I could barely sit in the seat. Needless to say... she could have cared less I was gone. Grandma and Grandpa took good care of her and she was content. Thanks Brooklyn for ripping the heart strings a little. lol She had 2 of her top teeth pop through this month. She now has a total of 4 teeth!! :) She also thought standing wasn't good enough because now she table walks. She walks all along the couch, the table and anything else she can hang onto. She is now 10 months old and doesn't know in 1 week her Daddy is going to leave her for a whole year! :(

The 11th month of her life-

8 days after entering into the 11th month of being alive.. her Daddy left for Afghanistan. She must have wanted him to see her walk as a few days before he left she walked all on her own with 5 steps being her max amount. She also got to spend her 1st 4th Of July with her Daddy. The day before he left she spent most of the day cuddling in his arms and loving all over him. She didn't know that was about to change. :( After Daddy left she started clapping when you say "Yay". She must know football season is around the corner! She also started being a copy cat. She copies you when you do raspberries. She mimics me when I yell at the kids or the dog. She is starting to get such a personality and I love it. She just hit 11mo old. 1 month left until her first birthday!

The 12th and final month before she hits 1yr old-

My baby is about to be a whole year old. She has accomplished so many things in this year. This final 12th month she has started giving High 5's. She waves bye bye. She has taken up to 16 steps by herself. She went to her first wedding. She saw her Aunt Sarah get married. Brooklyn looked sooo beautiful in her dress. Mommy does not want her baby to keep growing so fast. It breaks my heart. I LOVE watching her grow and explore and learn new things, but before I know it she will be going to school, learning to drive, going to college, getting married and writing her own baby blog!

1st Birthday-
Brooklyn's 1st birthday was great. It was low key with family and a friend of the family. She played and loved her new toys. She thought the giraffe Aunt Samantha gave her was the best. She couldn't stop hugging her new Daddy Doll that her Daddy got her. She also loved her ball popper toy... the air would blow in her face and make her giggle. We set the video camera and the web cam in front of her high chair. Daddy got to view her eating her cake LIVE via web cam. She demolished the cake. She thought it was heaven. Cleaning her and the mess up.. not so much fun for me. lol Overall, it was a great day and the last year was such a blessing to be with her.

Party Time-



Brooklyn's 1yr Photos-