25 January 2010

My little Sister Is Getting Married

Well... I will no longer be the only married sibling! :) My little sister Sarah is getting married. Her fiance', Chris, proposed to her on Christmas. Of course, she said Yes.

I remember when she was born and I was 8 yrs old, almost 9! I spent 9 yrs being the only child and then here comes this little baby girl that I have to share my mom with. Lets just say that I wasn't thrilled. As she went from a boring newborn to smiling and cooing she started melting my heart. I loved feeding her baby food and when she became mobile I would take her outside to play. I remember my childhood best friend and I would take her and our soon to follow her baby sister Samantha to the park and play house with them, taking turns who had which baby! At this point having a sister, well 2, wasn't so bad. They were cute and lots of fun to play with. Right around her 2nd birthday my mom had taken my sisters and went on vacation in California to visit family. My dad had work and I had school so we got left behind! ;) When my mom called us she put Sarah on the phone and I heard my baby sister say for the first time "I Love You"! That meant the world to me. After those first few years I then entered HS and my time became busy with school, after school activities and friends. My friends and I still took my sisters (and now brother too) to the the store, mall or wherever we wanted to go. I graduated and left the house when they were young. Sarah was 9 when I moved out. I moved to California to go to college and start my life and they got stationed off in Italy. I didn't get to see my sister grow up from that point on. I saw her when she came to California for my wedding and the birth of Isabelle. I came to Alaska to visit after we had Joseph. I also stayed for 2 1/2 months to have Anthony up in Alaska when Tobe deployed. By then she was the teenager with the busy life and I didn't get to see her much. We moved up here to AK this past May and we see her every now and then but now she is a busy working woman. I just can't believe how fast she has grown from that dreadful newborn baby to this amazing beautiful woman who im blessed to have in my life. She is now going to feel the joys I feel in having a wonderful man in your life, one who is your best friend, partner and makes your world complete. I wish nothing but happiness for my sister and Chris and hope they have a lifetime of joy to bring to one another.

On a side note.. Yesterday my mother and I went Wedding dress shopping with her and boy did she look beautiful. I can't wait to see her walk down the isle in that dress and for her husband to see her in that dress on their special day!

1 comment:

  1. as i read this post, my eyes began to well up thinking of my own sister and our now distant relationship. while i am on the younger side of the equation, i remember looking up to my sister and she now tells stories of how she loved me from day one, hated me through the middle and we both cherish our friendship now.

    you can feel the love through the entire read... congratulations Sarah!
