23 January 2010

FYI about being a parent....

I don't think people without kids fully understand people with kids. I'm going to lay down a few things so that maybe us people with kids don't get annoyed so much!

#1 When you have kids they become your life. They are the most important thing in life to you. You eat, breath, sleep with your kids by your side or are at least thinking of them. Even when we have date night we end up talking about our kids..they are our top priority, they are of utmost importance to us and if it wasn't like this then we should never have had children in the first place!

#2 Every thing they do (well almost everything) is absolutely adorable to us. Every accomplishment, everything they learn, everything they try to learn is special to parents. Watching them grow from babies to children to teenagers to adults is amazing. So when you see parents who want to capture all those special moments with taking pictures or video recording you have to understand.. one day their children will be grown and gone and all they have left of those precious years are memories brought on by those pictures and videos. You like to share your hobbies and interests with us... Yeah, I like your art collection or your rebuilt classic car or whatever it is that interests you (insert eye roll).. so you can also pretend your interested in our kids because thats what interests us!

#3 When hanging out with people with kids there are things you have to understand. We don't mind packing up our kids, packing up a diaper bag (w/some toys, snacks, diapers, etc) and heading on over to hang out at your house. We DO mind when we ALWAYS have to go to your house and you never take the initiative to hang out at ours. Yeah your house is beautiful and great for entertaining, however your house isn't child proof, you have no toys and we end up spending the entire time saying "Dont touch that", "No", "Come on over here", "I Know your bored", "No theres no toys" .....and the list goes on and it just really isn't that fun anymore! It's a lot easier for you and your spouse to hop in your vehicle and head on over! No packing, no planning, no hassle. My kids have their rooms, toys, movies, snacks and will usually play or occupy themselves so we can enjoy our adult time with our friends. Shoot, they're even in bed by 8pm so you don't even notice they're there!

*Side note for those with 1 kid.... You know what it's like to pack up and travel with 1 kid, now times that by multiple children! Gives your friends with multiple kids a break and offer to go to their house for play dates more often!

#4 Eating out with kids! Most of the time eating out is hassle free. As parents.. we know to order their food right away and bring toys and coloring and snacks and how to create a peaceful environment so everyone can enjoy their meals. HOWEVER, sometimes a kid just gets cranky. In these situations, we get frazzled as well with our kids and it's just not feasible for us to stay there. Our kids are miserable, we are miserable, the people trying to eat a nice quiet dinner are miserable and the best option is to get our food to go and leave. Don't take it personal! It doesn't happen often, but it could happen and you need to be aware!

*Side note for parents... Just because you have kids doesn't mean you can allow them to cause a ruckus in a restaurant. Do NOT let them poor salt on the table or destroy your table or booth. If they make a mess it is your responsibility as a decent human being to pick up after your child. Sure servers and bus boys get tips but its for their service in a regular setting, not a war zone your child left with food and your too lazy to pick up after them. If you pick up here or there after them as they make the mess it wont get out of control and if by some reason it does.. you can get your butt on the floor with a napkin and pick it up or ask them to use their little swiffer.

#5 Stay at home moms! I just LOVE when people assume that us stay at home moms have all the time in the world when were home. Sure a mom who has maybe a 3 yr old kid has more time then say.. a mom with an infant, a toddler and a pre schooler home all day and then your 6yr old after school. BUT when your kids are home all day the house gets messier than if your gone all day. I have to make 3 meals a day, do dishes twice a day, 2 load of laundry a day, I pick up the toys that migrate into the living room twice a day, then you have cleaning the kitchen, dining room, high chair. Changing diapers for 2 all day. Changing clothes when things leak, get spilled or sticky! Then vacuuming because you have a dog and a baby who lays on your floor! Lets also add in at 430 in the morning you wake up to make your husband lunch and coffee. You get your child(ren) ready for school. At night you have to help with homework, bathe your kids, read to them and get them ready for bed. Then you have to make sure your husband has his clean PT uniform, thermals and ACU's ready for the next morning. The only thing you get to do for yourself is a little bit of what interests you at nap time after you do the dishes and move up the laundry and after they go to bed while your catching up on your TV shows that you DVR! Don't get me wrong...there are days I skip the laundry or wait til my husband gets home so he can vaccumm but for the most part we are pretty busy women with jobs that don't pay you in cash but pay you in love, hugs and sloppy sticky kisses. It's not a job for everyone but I love my job and wish that people would recognize our hard work a little bit more often!


If you need to see it bigger just click on it!

There's more which I will add to later on, but I got stuff to do...

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