19 January 2010

Friendship is golden!

Make new friends, but keep the old
one is silver and the other is gold!

This is a song I learned in girlscouts when I was a kid and it is so true. My friends are silver and gold. The fact that I moved a lot in my life means I have many friends from my past and always seem to make new ones.

Speaking of friends.... Our dear friend Ann worked with us in Sacramento back in 2002-2003. Well many years later and a few moves on both parts we both ended up back in Alaska. She is from Fairbanks and moved back up there and got engaged to a good friend, Jered, who she went to HS with. I, myself, moved back up here when my husband asked to be stationed up here so I could live by my family which is down in the Anchorage area. Well, we moved here in April and went up to Fairbanks and saw Ann and Jered in May and then went back up there in August to witness their beautiful wedding. It was amazing since she was there to witness ours back in May 2003. So this passed weekend Jered came down for an award ceremony for work and they stopped by on Saturday, met Brooklyn and stayed the evening with us before flying back up to Fairbanks on Sunday morning. It was so nice seeing them. I made a delicious Carbonara dinner. We then had some drinks and played some games. Afterwords we chatted in the living room and before we knew it, it was 3am. Morning came too soon and off they went. I am looking forward to seeing them again real soon.

My point of this story is that no matter how long time passes between true friends, when you get together again it's like you were never apart at all. You still have that same comfort in chatting, laughing and reminiscing! Cherish your true friendships because they are GOLD!

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