10 January 2010

My little Brooklybee .. Her 1st Year in a nut shell

Well I think I'm going to try and update everyone monthly on our little Brooklyn! She is currently 4 months old. I guess I should update you all up until this point!

The day we brought her home....


Bringing her home was so exciting. We couldn't wait to start our family and our new routine with her in it. On our way home we stopped at the store and got my medicine, her bedding for her crib and some extra diapers. Right after we arrived at the house my parents came over with my siblings and our other 3 children. My mom brought dinner for us all and we sat and watched her first Chicago Bears game. I know its early but we have to start culturing her right from the beginning. :)

1st Month of life...


In the first month she has mastered her routine. She goes to bed about 9pm and she wakes up once in the middle of the night and then around 5am when Daddy wakes up.(He's really noisy) Then after she eats, she lays back down until 8 or 9am! She rolls over from her belly to her back. She prefers to sleep on her belly so we let her. When she wakes up she is on her back staring all around, lol! She has very strong neck muscles and has been able to hold her head up from pretty much the moment she was born! Now her weight issue... She weighed in at birth at 7lb 5oz and she was 6lb 11oz when we left the hospital. At her 72 hour appt she only weighed in at 6lb15oz so we had to go in weekly until she passed her birth weight. After 2 weeks she weighed in at 7lb 7oz. WooHoo :) That's petty much how her first month of life went besides all the lovin's she got from EVERYONE! She is now 1 month old :)

2nd Month of life...


She now laughs her little pretty face off. She grabs everything close to her hands. I bought her a cute little first Halloween outfit and her 1st Halloween costume. Her little stork bite (hemangioma) on her face is shaped like a heart. Everyone compliments on how cute it is and they all seem to notice its shaped like a heart. Who knows...maybe that will be her signature later in life ;) She is now 2 months old!

3rd Month...


Brooklyn tries to sit up. It is sooo stinkin cute. She is so ticklish and laughs hysterically when we tickle her. She babbles up a storm. She follows people from a distance. She is now 10lb even! She will lean to grab things with her hands. She celebrated her 1st Thanksgiving. We are so thankful to have her! She is now 3 mo old!!

4th Month...


We start her 4th month of life heading into the Christmas season. As this is her 1st Christmas I bought her tons of Christmasy clothes to dress her up in. I know she won't remember it, but I always will. She spent her 1st Christmas with Grandma and Grandpa and her Aunts and Uncle. This was the first time I spent Christmas with my Mom and Dad (Step) and my 3 siblings in 10 yrs. (Since I left after I graduated HS) This was a very joyous day and she made it even better. As we head into the New Year and New Decade, Brooklyn is now 4 months old. I can not believe how fast she is growing! :(

5th Month...


Where has the time gone! She just amazes me every day. I can't imagine loving her any more than I already do and every day I love her more and more. She rolls around all over the place. She is still drooling like crazy but no teeth yet. She has excellent fine motor skills and can grab things she wants easily. She holds her binky and puts it in and out of her mouth. She absolutely LOVES her excersaucer and sitting in it and playing. Her 4mo well baby apt was Jan 12th! She weighed in at a whopping (insert sarcasm) 12lb 11oz which is in the 25% for her age. Her height is 23 in. which is 10%. She is our little meatball as daddy calls her. She looks when you call her name. She coos up a storm and has even started growling. (Thanks to the boys, lol) She is just too stinkin cute for words!

6th Month (Half way to a Year)-


In this month Brooklyn has accomplished so many things. Towards the end of the month she started sitting up by herself and she ate baby cereal for the first time, which daddy fed her! She is starting to actually like playing with her toys. She celebrated her 1st Valentines Day and she got a beautiful rose from her Daddy. She also had her first sleepover at Grandma's! Overall, she is just a happy, healthy baby girl! I can't believe she is now Half way to 1yr old!

7th Month-

This has been a busy month for our little Brooklybee! Tobe had left for a month to go to NTC training so this was her first time away from daddy. It figures a few days after he leaves she learns how to actually sit. She can now sit for any amount of time without falling. She pushes herself onto her arms and so we see crawling in her near future. She also started saying "Dada","Mama", "Baba" and she babbles and laughs allllll the time! She is so ticklish. She also got her first tooth on the very last day before turning 7mo old. At the very end of the month she had her 6mo well baby check up. She weighed in at 17.5 lb and 24.4 in tall! She is eating a bit more baby food but she really doesn't like it all too well. Overall this has been a very busy month for our little girl and she is now 7mo old!!

I bought Brooklyn a tutu and took some cute pics of her in it...

Entering into her 8th Month of her precious life-

Daddy came home from NTC and he was surprised at how much she had grown in the month he had been gone. She says "Mama" all the time now. She had her 2 bottom teeth actually pop through. She mastered the skill of Crawling and does it like a pro. She now is mobile and goes all over the place. She even crawls after the kids into their bedrooms. She sat in the seat of a shopping cart for the first time. She loved it and loved seeing everyone. Everyone around us doted all over her too as we would stroll by. I must have an amazingly cute little girl! :) Right after Daddy got home we got to celebrate her first Easter. She looked like such a doll on Easter. I wish she wasn't growing so fast because now my princess is 8 months old!

She had a PHOTO SHOOT.. Here are a few favs!!!

In her 9th month of life-

Baby Brooklyn has gotten so big and heavy that we have decided to move her into a regular car seat. No more baby carrier. It kind of stinks because if she falls asleep in the carrier she can stay asleep but in her car seat we have to take her out. She is really heave to carry that way though and it is much easier to just take her out of her car seat and put her into a cart. The day she took her first ride in her car seat was also the day she got her ears pierced. She cried for all of 1 second. She more looked that the lady like "What the heck did you do that for" lol She looks so beautiful just like her sister! Brooklyn did not think crawling was good enough to see the world as she has now mastered the fine art of pulling herself up to standing. Nothing is safe now!!! lol She also went to her Aunt Samantha's High School graduation. She is so proud of her Aunt Samantha. ;) I can not believe she is now 9 months old! :(

The 10th Month-

The day she turned 9mo old and then started into her 10th month of her life Mommy and Daddy went away for their 4 day anniversary weekend in Seward. I have never left her before. By the drive home I was so anxious to see her I could barely sit in the seat. Needless to say... she could have cared less I was gone. Grandma and Grandpa took good care of her and she was content. Thanks Brooklyn for ripping the heart strings a little. lol She had 2 of her top teeth pop through this month. She now has a total of 4 teeth!! :) She also thought standing wasn't good enough because now she table walks. She walks all along the couch, the table and anything else she can hang onto. She is now 10 months old and doesn't know in 1 week her Daddy is going to leave her for a whole year! :(

The 11th month of her life-

8 days after entering into the 11th month of being alive.. her Daddy left for Afghanistan. She must have wanted him to see her walk as a few days before he left she walked all on her own with 5 steps being her max amount. She also got to spend her 1st 4th Of July with her Daddy. The day before he left she spent most of the day cuddling in his arms and loving all over him. She didn't know that was about to change. :( After Daddy left she started clapping when you say "Yay". She must know football season is around the corner! She also started being a copy cat. She copies you when you do raspberries. She mimics me when I yell at the kids or the dog. She is starting to get such a personality and I love it. She just hit 11mo old. 1 month left until her first birthday!

The 12th and final month before she hits 1yr old-

My baby is about to be a whole year old. She has accomplished so many things in this year. This final 12th month she has started giving High 5's. She waves bye bye. She has taken up to 16 steps by herself. She went to her first wedding. She saw her Aunt Sarah get married. Brooklyn looked sooo beautiful in her dress. Mommy does not want her baby to keep growing so fast. It breaks my heart. I LOVE watching her grow and explore and learn new things, but before I know it she will be going to school, learning to drive, going to college, getting married and writing her own baby blog!

1st Birthday-
Brooklyn's 1st birthday was great. It was low key with family and a friend of the family. She played and loved her new toys. She thought the giraffe Aunt Samantha gave her was the best. She couldn't stop hugging her new Daddy Doll that her Daddy got her. She also loved her ball popper toy... the air would blow in her face and make her giggle. We set the video camera and the web cam in front of her high chair. Daddy got to view her eating her cake LIVE via web cam. She demolished the cake. She thought it was heaven. Cleaning her and the mess up.. not so much fun for me. lol Overall, it was a great day and the last year was such a blessing to be with her.

Party Time-



Brooklyn's 1yr Photos-

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