07 January 2010

My Clan

My husband and I have 4 children. They keep us (mainly me) very busy! My family is everything to me. Without them, my life wouldn't be complete.


Me- I am a wife and mother. I am a stay at home mom which keeps me busy! I try to be a good little domestic engineer! I wake up at 430 with my husband and make him lunch and coffee. I sometimes get to go back to bed and sometimes I don't. I get my daughter ready for the bus by 8am. Then I parent my 3 other children while cooking, cleaning and social networking, lol! I am an AF brat so I moved a lot but I consider 3 places to be of my hometown. I was born and lived my early years in Chi town suburbs! I grew up and went to Jr and Sr High in Anchorage, Alaska. And I went to college, became a woman, got married and became a mother in Sacramento, California. IL, AK and CA will always be special to me. The military is also special to me as I went from an Airforce brat to an Army wife. (with 3 yrs of civilian life in between, lol) I am loyal, kind, emotional, caring and a little neurotic all rolled into one! :)

Tobe- My huband Tobe is from Redding, Ca. He has also grown up a bit in Dunsmuir,Ca so he considers both places to be his "home town". He is a soldier in the U.S. Army. He likes sports, fishing and other "guy" stuff. He is an amazing husband and an even better father. I have been blessed with him as my husband, best friend, partner in crime, love of my life and soul mate!

Isabelle Grace- She is our 6yr old daughter! She is in 1st grade. She has got to be one of the most emotional kids I have ever met. She gets her feelings hurt really easily but at the same time she loves easily too. Everyone is her best friend. She genuinely cares about people. She is my big helper and she loves helping out her little brothers and sister. She is strong willed, take charge and lead the way type of girl...pretty much the definition of the oldest child. She is so beautiful and so smart. She is my first child, the one who I learned how to be a mommy with, the one who changed our lives for the better!

Joseph Alan- He is our 4 yr old. He is the spitting image of his father. Oh so handsome! He is a huge momma's boy and I love it so much. What a little comedian he is. He always knows how to make people laugh and loves doing it. He is a typical boy....loves dinosaurs, cars & trucks, dirt, spiderman and other action heroes. He is very animated, as in likes to make animal noises, talk like characters in the movies and drops to the floor and plays dead like no other. I would say he is a ladies man but in reality he is an everybody's man. Everybody loves Joe!

Anthony Amico- He is our 2 yr old. He has the most italian name out of our little whopper Jr's but yet he has blonde hair and blue eyes..who woulda thunk it! He has loves to cuddle up with Isabelle, fight with Joe and love all over Brooklyn. He is always concerned about his little sister's well being. He isn't much of a cuddler but when he does he has his Gankie (blanket) on him and his thumb in his mouth. He is a daddy's boy, I guess he sees what I see in his daddy. He likes to sing and dance. Mickey Mouse Club and Fresh Beat Band always make him smile and get him grooving. He also LOVES his baby. He stole his sisters "baby" and he sleeps with it, cuddles with it and loves on it. He is growing so fast!

Brooklyn Leigh- She is our baby! She was born 28Aug09! She was our homecoming present. I got pregnant with her the week he got home from Iraq. She is the light of our lives. Everyone in this house is absolutely in love with her. She is smiley and peaceful. What a perfect addition to our family she is. I can't wait to watch her learn new things and show her just how much she is truely loved!

The Army Life- My husband is a an 88M (AKA Truck driver/ trnaposrtation) in the Army. He is a Sgt and with being a Non Commissioned Officer (NCO) comes lots of responsibility of mentoring the lower ranking soldiers. (Pretty much babysitting the Joe's) He has been in the Army since April 2006. We were first stationed at Fort Stewart, Ga where he was in 3-7 Infantry FSC Co. (Cottonbaler by god, damn fine soldier) His unit deployed to FOB Iskan in Iraq for OIF V and he was gone for 14 months. He missed the birth Anthony and came home after he turned 1. Missed his whole first year of life and in addition to that he missed all the holidays and anniversary and birthdays, he also missed Isabelle's first day of Kindergarden and other special important events in our lives. (So just so everyone knows...its not just the soldiers who serve, their families and loved ones serve too!) While he was in Iraq he re enlisted and put in a request for Alaska so I could be by family. Now he is stationed at Fort Richardson, 17th CSSB and set on track to deploy to Afghanistan this year.

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