07 January 2010

Let the fun begin!

Well... I've jumped on the bandwagon and have created a blog!

What do I hope to accomplish with this blog? I don't know. I hope it will be an outlet for myself. I hope family and friends will enjoy reading it. Above all else, I hope to have fun with it!

I tried the diary thing and yeah... it didn't work. I can't promise I will write every day but I'm hoping to write at least once a week, but I'm taking this one step at a time. I'm not the best at punctuation and grammar so please leave the grammar natzi to yourselves, you oh so intellectual ones! I have 4 kids..yes FOUR! I am a stay at home mom so they pretty much consume most of my life. This blog is about me and my life and they are very much a part of both so they will be honorably mentioned TONS of times. Same goes with my husband and his career. We are an Army family and the Army hasa lot of effect on our lives, lol!

So... sit back, relax and let enjoy the ride!


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