16 February 2010

Neurotic Tendencies

This post will probably be added to as I think of them. I have some Neurotic Tendencies. They might be weird, but they're a part of me!

When I am eating I eat one thing at a time. I can NOT take a bite of corn, then meat, then corn again, then mashed potatoes. I have to eat all of one thing and then move onto another until Im done. I also will save my favorite thing on the plate for last.

All my cans in my cupboard have to be lined up. I have a line of diced tomatoes, beans, corn, green beans, peaches, etc etc. I also have my cans sorted into sections. (Ie veggie, fruit, pasta items etc) Oh and all the cans have to be facing forward so the labels are all lined up facing so you can read them!

My clothes have to be folded a certain way and lined up evenly in the drawers (so it looks like a shelf at a clothing store)

The clothes in the closet have to be on PLASTIC matching hangers arranged in certain categories

My linens have to be folded a certain way and color/design coded in the closet

Dishes have to be put in the dishwasher a certain way and in their proper spots when put away

The books on my book shelf have to be arranged from smallest to biggest and are also arranged by categories and Authors

Shoes on the shoe wrack by the front door have to be arranged nicely and by whose they are!

The DVD's in the DVD case has to be turned the right way and not crooked and the cases have to be in certain "groups" and if they're moved it irritates me

My kids toys have to be separated into the proper bins (of course I help them since they are so young)

The magnets on the fridge have to be in their proper spots

I tell myself the story of my life in my head as if I were reading it in a book (e.g She walks over to the desk and grabs the cup…)

When I am alone sometimes I do things as if someone were watching me (its really hard to explain)

I like to round things to even numbers. (ie when filling the gas, leaving a tip to where its a whole amount)

If I see a bug on me then I have crawling sensations all over my skin for days

I have to have all the bills in my wallet facing the same direction

I am compelled to arrange my groceries on the supermarket conveyor belt.

When I’m talking to someone who has spit in the corners of their mouth I can’t look at anything else because I freak out and think it’s going to come flying off their mouth and hit me in the face.

I am still not completely convinced that my entire life is not a tv show.

I am a picker. I have to pick at everything (mosquito bites, hang nails, etc)

I feel like if I don't know what someone is talking about, then they're automatically talking about me

I have visions of everyone in my life dying..not all at once..but Ive had a dream or vision of everyone's death. Sometimes its so real that I'm afraid I will have deja-vu and it will really happen

I have a severely weird thought pattern. One thought will lead to another which will lead to another and another and all in a matter of seconds. I.E. -- I will be talking to my husband about my daughter and then I will think of my daughter going to school... which will make me think of my old high school...which will make me think of our mascot {bear},...which will then make me think about the Chicago bears... and then I will ask him a question about football and I get the famous question "where did that come from" This happens to me several times a day.

I HATE when people try to touch my neck or go anywhere near it. I have some fear that they are trying to tickle me, which may make me laugh but inside I want to CRY.

I have a fear of elevator doors closing on me or my kids, or of it falling while were in the entrance. I have to go into the elevator as quickly as I can and hold the door open button down until everyone is in!

I like smelling hair. I wont smell just anyone's hair, but I will smell my husband and kids hair all day.

My living room decor has to be a certain way and if it gets moved, Ill move it back

Teeth is the first thing I notice on someone else and if they're yellow, I get grossed out because I can just imagine a pile of plaque on their teeth.

1 comment:

  1. My Joe eats his food the exact same way! lol
