25 February 2010

Anthony- Pregnancy & Birth Story!

Well I've never done a pregnancy journal, however I decided to try it. (Even though im aweful at keeping up with journals) So I plan on writing in this thing off and on whenever Im excited or down or just need to write! :)

Conception??? Not quite sure when we conceived however the first day of my last period is Jan 3rd and I tested positive for pregnancy on Jan 31st.

February 21- Had a blood test done at Winn Army Hospital to determine an estimate at how far along I am. According to my bloodwork I am between 4-5 weeks pregnant. Not vary long considering with Isabelle I was 7-8 weeks pregnant when I found out and with Joe it was 6 weeks. So I guess by time you have baby 3 you just know your body and when its pregnant because according to how far along I am I would have had to have been 1-2 weeks pregnant when I decided to take the test! Maybe when baby 4 comes along it will be have sex, roll over and tell Tobe "I think were pregnant" LMAO!

March 5th- I got out of the shower today and starte dgetting dressed. Low and behold my jeans are very tight! Im already cramping I dont need to not be able to breathe, so I went into the closet and dug out the maternaty jeans. I have smaller ones for when you first start showing and then the huge ones for when you look like a beach whale. So I am a little concerned that Im gaining enough weight in the second month to need bigger jeans. I dont look pregnant in regular clothes but when I put on maternaty clothes I do. So I guess im sticking with maternaty because Id rather look pregnant than fat. My worries about the weight gain are minimal now because I remembered that not only is this my 3rd child in 3 years which my body isnt fully healed so it stretches back out faster, but I also have gestational diabetes which makes me gain weight off of water. If I can handle the 102 lb I gained form Isabelle and almost lose most of it before getting pregnant with Joe im confident when I have this baby no matter how much I gain that I will lose it. With Tobe being deployed and me being bored I will be hitting up the Y frequently for "me time" working out, plus the daycare watches your kids there for free while working out! :) So.... go on baby, bring on the weight, Im ready for you!!!

March 6th- I had my registration appointment in OB today. I am calculated to be at 8weeks 6 days and my due date is October 9th. I also talked to her about possibly going up to Alaska to deliver and thought she was extremely nice. I have heard a lot of bad stories about the OB here with a few good ones. So far so good with me. I would like the male soldiers who are obviously not pregnant and not with a pregnant lady to NOT park in the expectant mother parking spots. Theres about 20 of them and there was maybe 4 in the OB department. They also took 6 viles of blood for different tests and a urine sample. I remember when I was pregnant with Isabelle I was sooooo terrified of needles and was dreading every time I had to give blood. Well now that this is my 3rd pregnancy and I'm so used to being poked and prodded I am no longer afraid of the blood draw. In fact I can even point out which vein on which arm is the best stick! ;) Maybe by the 4th pregnancy I can draw it myself, lol!

March 21st- Well today I am 11 weeks. I had my first actual OB appointment. I had the papsmear, pelvic exam and had to answer more questions about the history of my past births. They tried to hear the heart beat which is not always possible this early. As I figured they couldnt hear it, so she grabbed the sonogram machine, did a quick look and printed me out a picture. I also went down stairs and did the 1 hour glucose test because of my past history of gestational diabetes. Then I was sent to the Nutrionist to make an appointment to be put on a diabetic diet. (I will have to invest in sugar free candy and ice cream, lol) My Nutritionist appointment is next week. Also here at Stewart, to stay on my anxiety medication I have to see a behavioral specialist. So I went down to make the appointment and after I do a one on one with a Specialist and Social Worker and get in the system I have to go to the group meetings for people taking medication. The thing is they give a very low does of depression medication for Anxiety, so I will have to go sit in a group once a month or whatever time frame it is with a bunch of EMO's wanting to kill themselves. Just my idea of a good time. Overall today went well and I am pleased that my baby is VERY active and was squirming up a storm during the sonogram. The Nurse stated that the baby was being stubborn and uncooperative while we were listening for the heart beat and I said "hmm well they'll fit in just nicely with their siblings". :)

April 12th-

Take a lucky guess! What is your prediction on what I am having and when he or she will be born???

May 14th- Well we have finalized it down to the names we like! If it's a boy we will name him Anthony Amico Marchione! If it's a girl we will be naming her Bianca Patricia Marchione! Amico is Tobe's grandma's maiden name and Patricia is her first name. We love having a bit of ancestry in our children's names! Thursday (May 17th) I will have my next OB appointment and the sonogram. Hopefully we will have a cooperating baby and will know what our child will be!

May 17th- I had another OB appointment and the baby is doing great! The heartbeat was in the 150's and was moving upa storm! The baby was barely cooperating for the sonogram. Infact I have to go back next month again so they can get all the measurements they missed today! One thing they didn't miss was the sex of the baby! With the legs spread WIDE open it wasn't hard to see that the baby is a..............................

Isabelle is a little saddened by this. However, she will get over it. We reassured her by telling her that maybe next time we will have a girl and for now she is pleased!:)

May 31st- Today is Tobe and my 4th wedding anniversary! He has been moving around quit a bit lately but because of his FAVORITE position (he pushes his but out against my belly button and faces in wards towards my back) I still havent felt him kicking my belly! Hopefully he will want to turn around here real soon so Tobe and I can feel the little guy kick! I took a few belly shots and I will post them along with some of Tobe and I where you can see my big belly!

June 3rd- Little A must have finally decided to turn a bit from his favorite position. While lying in bed I was just about to fall asleep when I was startled awake from a few kicks which were much awaited for. :) I could have stayed awake all night feeling his little kicks. Too bad Tobe was already asleep. Hopefully tonight the little guy will get active again!

June 23rd - July 16th We went on vacationt o Calironia and Illinois and showed off my belly. :) Had a blast seeing our family! It was a little tiring being pregnant and always on the go though!

August 18th- Today was my last visit at the OB here at Winn Army Hospital. I am going to miss my Nurse Practitioner. She was great! My next appointment will be in ALASKA! :)

September 1st- Today we had a photoshoot of my belly with Teri Christie! Check her out www.terichristie.com ;) I am 34 weeks and 4 days! :)

September 11th- Called to make an appointment and was giving the Dr. (over the phone) some pregnancy history on myself. I told her I was concerned because I was leaking and I thought it might be urine (VERY COMMON among pregnant women this late in pregnancy) but the color was funny and since I had issues with Isabelle when I was leaking fluid I wanted to make sure it wasnt anything serious with this baby. The Dr. wanted me to come to labor and delivery right away to get checked and make sure it isnt amniotic fluid im leaking. So I go to the Labor and Delivery ad they do a urine test and vaginal test and it turns out it is just urine but the Iron pills im taking twice a day is affecting the color but its completely harmless. They see if I'm dialted and im not, so we'll see what happens at my appointment.

September 14th- Today is my first OB appointment here in Alaska. They do my Group B Strep test, and we talk about inducing me a couple days early so Tobe can spend a few days with him before he deploys. (Tobe is coming up here from Oct 5th- 13th) I have an appointment to meet with one of the delivery docs to try and convince him to induce me. The Nurse practioner says with the gestational diabetes, history of long labor, and history of big babies that it might not take much to convince him. :) So lets keep our fingers crossed!!! :)

September 17- I get a call today from one of the OB Nurses. I failed the group B Strep test. :( I will have to have Penicillin antibiotics through IV while im in labor. They want to get 2 doses in before I deliver. I am supposed to have the baby as close to the due date as possible, however there is concern since the baby could be so big. There is also concerns because the baby has a higher risk of getting the bacteria if you labor more than 18 hours, which is about the norm for me! :( They were talking about stripping my membranes on the 2nd of OCT since I am measuring a week earlier anyways, but now with the group B strep it could be dangerous and make an opening for the baby to be infected. There is also more concern with the fact that its a 45 min- an hour driver to the hospital and if I go into labor naturally they might not have time to give me the proper amount of antibiotics when I get there before it could start affecting the baby! If you want to know what Grooup B Strep is then google it, its kinda complicating. Your either born with it (got it from your mom) or you can acquire it if you've worked in healthcare (which I have) Im thinking I got it the second way since I havent tested positive for it with my other 2 kids! Normally its nothing to worry about but with the high risks I have going on its kind of scaring me a little! Wish us luck! :)

September 18-
Since im now in AK, Tobe is in GA (soon to be the sandbox)and
our friends and family are all spread out, my friend Mary Ann
took it upon herself to throw us an online baby shower. Check
it out! :) Theres a guest book, she's in the process of putting
up my pregnancy journal I have posted up in this blog, and she
has games (and prizes for the winners :) )Check the website
periodically for she will be adding photos, NEWS, more games and


September 23- Today my mom, sister and I went to a neighbors house to go to a candle party. I walk in and theres a room full of people that are my moms friends and neighbors (I know 1 person, lol). Margaret, the host of the party, invites me to the food table to pour me a drink and shows me a cake on the table. It was for me! This wasnt a candle party, it was a surprise baby shower for me. I couldn't believe how much fun I had and how thoughtful it was for a bunch of women who didnt even know me to come to a party and to buy my baby some presents. I am in awe at how hospitable this neighborhood is. The party makes up for the fact that my bears lost today! :(
Here are some pics of my party. They would have turned out better if my mom knew how to work the camera, lol

September 25-
I am 38 weeks today. I had another OB appointment. The nurse practitiner talked to an OB dr. and said that they would be willing to induce me after I turn 39 weeks so that Tobe will have more time with the baby before he leaves! *reminder he is only up here from Oct 5th-13th!
Then they checked me. The babies heart beat was at 145, which is low for what he usually is but still a good number. Then my cervix was checked. I went from being closed last appointment to now being 2cm dialated and 80% effaced, she stripped my membranes and said that it was a good stripping and everything feels great and not to be surprised if I have the baby in 24-48 hours. So I guess now its a waiting game. My next appointment is on Oct 2nd where we will discuss my induction. (If I havent had the baby by the 2nd) So thats my update as of today! :)

September 28th- I lost 4 HUGE clots of my mucus plug and at around 6:15pm there was a constant stream of water coming out. There was a tear or small hole in my amniotic sac. We decided to wait until the contractions start to go the hospital so that I'm not in the hospital just laying and waiting for it to progress. Then at 8:00pm I was standing in the hallway and my water had completely broke. I was standing in a huge puddle of water. I changed my clothes, loaded the car and decided to stay long enough to watch my brother open his birthday presents and do the cake and ice cream. (Today is his birthday party, tomorrow is his birthday) We arrived at the hospital around 11:00 pm and at midnight they started me on penecillin through IV's for treatment of the Gourp B Strep.

September 29th- They gave me my first dose of penacillin at midnight, 2nd dose at 4am, and at 5 am they started me on patosin to start my labor along. Around 8am the contractions were so strong that I asked for my epidural. The god send anestisiologist came and gave me my epidural and aroud 9:15am I told the Nurse and Dr. that I feel some pressure down below and I think I might be ready to push. They checked me out, set everything up and after about 3 cycles of pushing (10 min.) Anthony Amico Marchione was born at 9:27 am. He was 6lb11oz, 19 in. long. I had no tearing so I needed 0 stitches. (Thank god because I had over 60 with Isabelle and about 20 with Joe, but they were also 2lb bigger than he is) BUT, I started hemorraging and luckily it wasn't enough blood loss for them to transfuse my blood they saved back into me, but they kept me on patosin to keep my uterus contracting for 24 hours and did vital checks every 30 min. (made it fun to try and sleep, lol) The baby has a little mucus in his lungs, so we've been laying him elevated up and in his side or on his belly when im holding him. He also has a slight jaundise but the levels are low enough not to treat! Overall this was the easiest pregnancy and labor and delivery ever! Every time I look at him Im in shock because he's so little compared to my other 2. I was a little teary eyed after I delivered because Tobe wasn't there, but I had great support from my mom AND she even got to cut the cord which she thought was way cool! My little brother David also thinks its cool that his nephew was born on his birthday! :)

Since we are an HOUR away from the hospital, my mom and the kids only came once a day for a short time. So I had plenty of time to take pics of my little guy! :)

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