10 January 2010

Pregnancy Blog - Baby #4

Jan 6th 2009- Ive had some symptoms and feelings that I might be pregnant for over a week now. By the time your pregnant with 4, you just know. LOL I'm going in tomorrow for the blood test, Winn Army hospital makes you do to schedule an OB appt and then this momma will start her prenatal care!

Jan 7th- My blood work came back positive! My first OB appt is on the 27th!

Jan 27th- Today I had my 1st OB appt. They said I am 7 weeks and 6 days pregnant. Going by the 1st day of my last menstrual cycle, December 3rd, that would put the Conception date at December 17th and EDD is 09/09/09! Pretty neat due date, huh LOL Tomorrow I am having a routine sonogram they due here to make sure that the baby measures along with the dates. I hope that I get a pic to take home :) I also have to do all the blood work tomorrow that goes with pregnancy... such fun!

Jan 28th-The Sonogram appt went extremely well! The baby's heartbeat is 160 and I got 2 pics. If your good at seeing sonograms you can see the eyes and nose holes in the face and in the body you can see a black hole where the heart is and I could actually see it beating on the sonogram monitor. Then it has little arm and leg buds growing out of the sides. :) Right now the head is the same size as the rest of the body so its kind of un-proportional, lol but its ok, I still LOVE this baby!!

Feb 24th- Baby's doing good!! Nothing new to report! They took an ultra sound to make it easier to hear/see the heart beat and I got to bring one home! :) Now I have to grab my OB records and bring them with us to Alaska!

April 20th- Had an OB apt at Fort Richardson in Anchorage! I couldnt wait any longer until we got to Fort Wainwright. The baby needed to be checked on and it had been months since checking on the baby! Baby's heartbeart is 150 and the dr guesses that is it a girl, lol! She wants me to get in for an Ultra Sound before I go to Fort Wainwright because she isnt sure how long they'll take to get me in! Ultra Sound is scheduled for Thursday the 23rd!!!

April 23rd- After waiting forever on a FULL bladder, we finally get into our apt. Baby is looking good. Wasnt cooperating and so it took the tech forever to get all the measurements. Tech said baby is measuring a little bigger that 20 weeks, more like 21 so he said according to the measurements I would be due Aug 31st, but it is up to the Dr if they want to move my due date up or not! He then asked if I wanted to know the sex of the baby and OFCOURSE we did!!! And so that makes baby #4.........


and we are naming her Brooklyn Leigh Marchione!!!! :)

June 2009- (Wasn't very good dating the Apts from this point on)

Well we got re routed to Fort Richardson so I went to their OB again.
Brooklyn is doing great! They are also referring me to a dr here in the valley where I live so I dont have to do the 45 min drive to the hospital on base! I will also be delivering at Matsu Regional Hospital here in the valley! :)

Have to have a 3 hour glucose test! Apparently Brooklyn wants to mimic my pregnancy with Isabelle! I swear boy pregnancies are a piece of cake and girls seem to be kicking my....

Had a great time meeting my new OB today! She wanted to play with the baby so she took a 3D ultrasound!

July 2009-

Did my 3 hour glucose test and am following a gestational diabetic diet

I have Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction and it is really hurting

August 2009-

35 weeks today! Ob apt as well! Hoping I dont have to go the full 5 weeks I have left, every day is getting more miserable and I have no more room to grow!

38 Weeks today! Im dilated to 3 and 60% effaced! She could feel the babies head. They hooked me up to the ultra sound to check my fluid levels and they look fine not that it really matters now that im doing what my body needs to be doing. She saw hair on the monitor. Brooklyn is estimated at around 8.6 right now, give or take a lb!

August 28, 2009- Brooklyn Leigh Marchione was born!!!

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