08 January 2010

100 + Random Things About Me

What a better way to get to really know me than to know 100 random things about me :)

  1. I have 4 children, I wanted 5, who knows if we will have 1 more.
  2. I am an Air force brat turned Army wife
  3. I have 3 brothers and 3 sisters
  4. My favorite ice cream is Mint Chocolate Chip
  5. Scary movies are my favorite, but I can't watch them alone
  6. I LOVE to take pictures...No Joke....I have my Nikon within reach at all times
  7. I am a Chicago Bears fan and I even have their team logo tattooed on my shoulder blade
  8. I am a democrat (gasp)
  9. I am addicted to coffee
  10. I love to read and wish I had more time to do so. My book collection is growing rapidly!
  11. I walked into an armed robbery at a local pizza place when I was 19
  12. Caramel is heaven!
  13. Mac N Cheese is my comfort food
  14. I'm pro choice. I would never have an abortion myself, but I think theres too much grey area and not everything is black and white for it not to be a womans choice!
  15. I never have and never will smoke cigarettes
  16. My first car was a 91 Chevy Corsica...biggest piece of crap ever!
  17. I watch sad youtube videos when I need a good cry
  18. Fall is my favorite season, you just can't top the beautiful colors of fall
  19. I love love love key lime pie
  20. When I get VERY mad..I cry
  21. I support marriage equality!
  22. I lived in Okinawa, Japan for 3 yrs :)
  23. TGI Fridays has the BEST mudslides ever...yummy
  24. I don't practice, but I am Jewish
  25. I love studying history
  26. When I'm talking and I really get going I talk fast and words start slurring together
  27. My biggest worry in life is that I will fail my children
  28. Im a Cubbies fan
  29. I don't know why...but I hate when my husband falls asleep before me.
  30. I'm a stay at home mom, and although it gets stressful I really am thankful for the opportunity
  31. I believe in ghosts
  32. Except for the last part where I'm about to pop and its painful to do anything, I love being pregnant. My husband thinks I have an addiction!
  33. My grandpa named me Bright Rainbow for my Indian Name.........I'm not even Indian
  34. I like my meat pink (medium) *side note - I didn't eat "red meat" for 4 yrs until I got pregnant and a big juicy steak was calling my name!
  35. I love my dog, but she listens like crap and ticks me off!
  36. I am stubborn...extremely stubborn
  37. I am pro vaccination. I believe that keeping your children safe from disease is one of the best gifts you can give them!
  38. I love to bake
  39. I was born in the suburbs of Chicago!
  40. Thunderstorms are great. I love the smell and sound of rain. I love watching rain. I should live in Seattle!
  41. I have swam in the North Pacific and North Atlantic Oceans and the Philippine and East China Seas
  42. The first thing I notice about people is their teeth. *side note - Please brush them because if they are yellow, I will notice and be totally grossed out!
  43. I am pale. I like to call myself a fair skinned beauty like Snow White :)
  44. My hair is super thick and it tangles easy and so it takes me forever to brush my hair. I can count on one hand how many times I've blow dried my hair!
  45. I have been to Alcatraz Island and it is cool!
  46. I use to be a pot head...then I grew up!
  47. I hate driving! At the same time... I fear for my life when I'm with an overly aggressive driver (ahem..my husband), a driver that doesn't pay attention (ahem..my husband) OR I get annoyed when I'm with an overly passive driver (ahem..NOT my husband)
  48. I use to write poetry in High School! It was some dark stuff and I wasn't even gothic or emo or whatever it is they call the strange kids these days!
  49. I like to sleep with the fan on. Even if it is cold I will turn the fan on and then bundle up with the blanket
  50. I like pineapple on my pizza
  51. I like to say "negative ghost rider" and call my husband "Capt'n Obvious" (he doesn't like that so much)
  52. Some people call me sarcastic...I think I'm just being overtly honest!
  53. I make up words that I think are real and expect people to know what I'm talking about.
  54. I like how new socks feel! BUT I prefer to be barefoot!
  55. I HATE Mayo! It grosses me out. I accept it in tuna and potato salad and things that HAVE to have it, but on my sandwiches or burgers...I wont eat it!
  56. I am allergic to Erythromycin! I found out when they gave me it in gel form for pinkeye and it made my eye swell shut and caused intense pain in which I thought I was going blind! Effing Army Dr.'s!
  57. My phobias are: Heights (including driving over bridges, along side mountains, driving by deep ditches when its icy out or any other places my vehicle could fall over) and the typical things (spiders, snakes, bees and rodents, rabbits, birds......)
  58. I use to be afraid of needles...until I got pregnant 4 times, lol
  59. I hate having icons on my desk top of my computer. I try to delete Tobe's too and it ticks him off, lol
  60. I prefer to sleep on the couch because it just eats me up and is sooo comfy! When my husband is home I sleep in the bed though so I can sleep with him! Most nights we end up falling asleep cuddled on the couch tho :)
  61. I hate depending on other people. I like to be in control!
  62. I prefer swimming in a pool rather than an open body of water. However, I like to walk along the water in the sand and sit on the sand and watch the waves!
  63. I moved so often as a a child and then as an adult that (other than Tobe) I have no idea who my best friend is. I either have many (my best friends from each place I've lived) or I have none (because I've never been able to be around my friends for more than 3yrs)
  64. I can't stand when I have to repeat myself
  65. I love going garage saling and thrift store shopping!
  66. Growing up my favorite colors were purple and green. I can't really say I have a favorite color anymore because I like them all!
  67. Dahilia's are my favorite flower
  68. I have hidden neurotic tendencies (I will disclose some of them in a future blog)
  69. I can't whistle very well at all
  70. I have very vivid dreams and almost always remember them when I wake up
  71. I curse a lot! I'm trying to cut down!
  72. I've never broken a bone
  73. I knew Tobe and I would be together before we ever officially met. We started dating less than a week after we met. We fell in love about 2 weeks into our relationship and got engaged 10 months into our relationship and married 1yr and 7 mo after our first date! :)
  74. I got pregnant after almost our whole wedding was planned out and so I was 8 1/2 months pregnant in our wedding and since I bought my dress when I wasn't pregnant my MIL had to add 21 inches of material to my wedding dress to make it fit. (Thank god she use to sew wedding dresses for a living)
  75. I'm extremely ticklish under my chin/on the neck
  76. I'm an emotional person! Movies, TV shows, even just watching my kids make me cry, lol
  77. I tell my husband and kids "I love you" so many times throughout the day I couldn't even keep count if I tried
  78. Without contacts or glasses, I would be blind
  79. My nose is crooked and I never realized this until a month ago...bahahahaha
  80. I brush my teeth in the shower
  81. In HS I was in the french club, Riflery , Anchorage Youth Court, Honor Society, Peer Helpers, and JROTC. Within JROTC I was Supply CPT, color guard commander, sabre team commander, on drill team and I won Cadet of the year, daughters of the American Revolution and at military ball I won sweetheart (I was very busy)
  82. I can type without looking at the keyboard and I type fast, however, I do not hold my hands at the "proper" location above the keys!
  83. I don't know how to drive a stick shift. A few people have tried to teach me, but ..... :/
  84. I love my family. Not just my husband and kids but my parents (both sets) and siblings and Aunts and Uncles and Cousins and Grandparents. Most people complain about their family or at least someone in it, but I love every single person in mine and we are ALL very close. I really did get blessed with a wonderful family!
  85. I love to cook and I've heard I'm pretty good at it!
  86. I haven't seen single digit jeans since I got pregnant with Isabelle.... I miss them!
  87. I like to people watch
  88. I like all music except heavy medal...it scares me
  89. My favorite salad dressing is Bleu Cheese and it has to be a good brand, like Light House or Marie's, and it has to have chunks of the cheese in it
  90. I HATE being late and if anything I TRY to be early!
  91. I LOVE Friday the 13th.
  92. My brother in law told me (when I had blond hair) that he thinks I look like Kim Cattrall ....of course he picks the slutty character of sex in the city
  93. I HATE feet! Except for baby feet because they're just toooo cute not to love and my feet because I have nice feet. I've been complimented on my feet a few times :) Everyone else's feet...gross!
  94. I've lived in places that snow most of my life and the only snow sport I know how to do is sled!
  95. I love chocolate covered gummy bears! YUMMY
  96. When I was 19 I met the owner of a strip club in Sacramento and he asked me to come dance at his club.... I politely declined! I wonder if he'd still want me to dance there now after having 4 kids..bahahahaha
  97. I love to slow dance with my husband
  98. My eyes are usually blue but they change to green. It all depends on what im wearing and my mood...strange, I know!
  99. I like playing poker with my family and friends..especially when I win
  100. I have a big heart and Im too trusting towards others with it!
  101. My husband just reminded me.... I hum when I type and eat (I suppose it could be a tad annoying to those around me, lol)

Wow...that was tough! Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it!

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