11 November 2010

Veterans Day 2010

I sit here, drinking my coffee, and I am thankful my husband is alive! He has served 2 wars. He is serving one right now as I type.

He served OIF V from Oct 2007 to Dec 2008. He was with the Cotton-balers. I have never experienced such pride in a unit and I doubt I ever will again. That unit is full of brothers. Men who become battle buddies, best friends, brothers. They served proudly together. The wives served back at Fort Stewart proudly together. We were a family. My husbands battalion was sent to Fob Iskan, right outside of Iskandryia, Iraq. Their fob was on the corner of "the Triangle of Death". They went to Fob Kalsu a lot, which was also a corner of the Triangle of Death. It is a small trip...maybe 10-11 miles. It was also considered at one point of time to be one of the deadliest routes in Iraq. My husband went on mission after mission after mission. Sometimes they were back to back. He got stuck in a sand storm. He had to do clean up of a truck that got got hit with an IED. Seeing the blood all over the truck hit him pretty hard. That deployment was one of the most scariest times of my life. I was thankful he made it home not only alive but without a scratch on his body. 8 soldiers in 3-7 IN were not as lucky. I think about these soldiers who I have never even met and I am so thankful to them for the ultimate sacrifices they made. I went to their trees at Fort Stewart and I paid my respects to them. I continue to think about them throughout my life since then. They will never know that their lives and sacrifices will live on in the hearts of their battle buddies, the spouses, the families. They will truly be missed!

SSG Phillips

SSG Dawson

SGT Durbin

SPC Norris

SGT Jordan

CPT Raudenbush

PFC Smith

SGT Kelsey (Outpost Kelsey was named after him)

My husband went from 3-7 INF FSC out of Fort Stewart to 17th CSSB 109th TC out of Fort Richardson. He was with them for over a year and deployed with them. After he got to his FOB he transferred to another Company (HHC) within 17th CSSB. 2 1/2 months into their deployment 2 of his 109th battle buddies were injured and 2 were KIA. He is in a safer position this deployment which I am thankful for because I was a wreck last deployment. His friends and battle buddies are out doing the missions all the time and so he still is having to experience the losses again. I think this time around.. these 2 soldiers hit him very hard. They were young.. very young. They didn't have much experience in the Army and they had futures ahead of them. Neither got to experience the love of a spouse or child. Right out of HS and onto the battlefield. They truly sacrificed their lives for our country!

PFC Dawson

PFC Petree

I am so proud of my husband and all he does. I am willing to sacrifice and serve along side him. I will always remember his battle buddies who gave their lives for our freedom. I will never forget them when I look at my husband and I am thankful he is still alive.

Happy Veterans Day to all of those who have served in the past, present and future. Happy Veterans Day and I will never forget, to those who were KIA, MIA or POA!

God Bless You All!

09 November 2010

Brooklyn- Year #2

13 mo-
After her first birthday it just seemed different. She is now not a bitty baby but a big baby. I wouldn't quite call her a toddler yet as a date doesn't automatically change her, her milestones and personality. She still has many baby characteristics left! She had her 1yr well baby check up. She is very healthy. She is 22.13lbs and 29in tall. She also got to watch and cheer her first experience of a Chicago Bears game. She has her Bears shirt she wears with her jeans, Her bears cheer-leading outfit, and a cute Bears ruffle-butt our dear friend Ann made for her. She is ready to rock these games this season! She also said "ampa" which we assume is Grandpa as we were trying to get her to say it. Her personality shines through more and more every day. Can you believe she is now 13mo old!

14 months-
Oh geez.. I swear she gets bigger and bigger every month. She is now starting to look huge to Tobe on the pics I have sent and the web cam. She talks to Daddy on it every couple of days. She growls..like the boys. She growls when I tell her to say Daddy. He thinks it is cute and funny. She rough houses with the kids. If they are on the floor playing and tickling and jumping on each other she will go over and jump on them too, then start cracking up laughing. She is included in play now sometimes. She isn't just the baby anymore, but a sibling to play with. When any music or commercial with tune comes on the wiggles her butt and moves side to side. YEP... I have a dancing queen on my hands. It is so cute! She also said "Rock On" when Anthony said it. Now she will say it if you tell her to. She also does this is a growl tone. Watch out Gene Simmons... she will rock your socks off! (and her tongue is cuter) ;) Cyndi, the dog, gets in her way and she isn't taking it anymore. She now says "No Cyni, Go Cyndi, Sto (Stop) Cyndi" We also heard her ONCE say "Ucle Day (Uncle Dave)" Speaking of Uncle Dave.. she has him wrapped around every finger and toe. Whatever she wants/needs he jumps up and bows to her and gets it for her. Poor sucker doesn't know what monster he is creating with him. HA HA My sweet little Brooklyn and her brother Anthony now have friends..of their own. We joined a group called Moms Club, Palmer Chapter which we call Mop (Moms Of Palmer). We go once or twice a week sometimes to play dates. They really seem to enjoy it and their smiles brighten my day! it has been a busy month for Miss Brooklyn and she is now 14 mo old. :)